MoTiV in the press

What makes time spent travelling worthwhile?

Transport planners often focus on minimising travel time, but an EU-funded project has shown that...

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A worthwhile trip? Using a scientific approach to assess the value of travel time

An EU-funded smartphone app will help develop new mobility services and innovative transport...

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Transport in Europe: The impact of gender on the perceived value of travel time

The impact of gender on the perceived value of travel time in Europe, part of the MoTiV Project, is...

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Do you take enough time during your journeys? (Original in Catalan)

Original Publication in Catalan by Betevé.

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Woorti App: why do we decide to walk, take the train or the bike? (original in Catalan)

Original publication in Catalan by Xarxa de Voluntariat Ambiental de Catalunya.

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How much does Travel Time cost? (original in Spanish)

Original publication in Spanish by Agencias Externas, published on tecnonews.

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The citizens of Žilina can also participate in a European mobility survey

The citizens of Žilina can also contribute to European research. How?

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Exploring the Value of Time for Travellers Across Europe

Exploring the Value of Time for Travellers Across Europe

MoTiV Project Manager, Dr. Giuseppe Lugano, introduces the €2m H2020 MoTiV Project, which is funded...

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MoTiV: FIAB e ESN ALUMNI Italia insieme per l'app che raccoglie dati sugli spostamenti quotidiani

Avete mai pensato di misurare il tempo che passate sui mezzi di trasporto, pubblici o privati? Per...

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Workshop o budúcich trendoch hodnoty cestovného času identifikoval zaujímavé výstupy

[Original Slovak] V dňoch 17. - 18. januára 2018 sa v Portugalsku uskutočnil workshop o trendoch...

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Projekt MoTiV – úvodné stretnutie

[Original Slovak] Nový projekt MoTiV (Mobility and Time Value) v rámci projektu Horizon 2020,...

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MoTiV Project

Project Coordinator: University of Žilina, Slovakia 
Comms & Web management: European Cyclists’ Federation ASBL