MoTiV officially started on 1 November 2017. It has the ambitious objective to introduce a new definition and methodology for the estimation of the Value of Travel Time (VTT), and to validate this new conceptual framework by collecting and evaluating data in at least 10 EU countries through a mobile application to be developed by the Consortium. The project addresses the emerging topic of exploring the dynamics of individual preferences, behaviours and lifestyles that influence travel and mobility choices.
The MoTiV kick-off meeting, hosted by UNIZA on the premises of the University Science Park on 14-15 November 2017, and chaired by Project Manager Giuseppe Lugano, gathered 21 participants, representing the seven Consortium members. JUDr. Viera Petrášová, national contact point at the Slovak Center for Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI SR), attended the first day to represent the European Commission Project Officer Andrea Arcelli. Prof. Ing. Ján Čelko, CSc., Vice-Rector for Science and Research, and Prof. Tatiana Kováčiková, PhD., ERA Chair Holder for Intelligent Transport Systems, welcomed the participants on behalf of UNIZA and ERAdiate respectively.
The first day was dedicated to the project objectives, activities, outputs, management and general structure of the work packages, to ensure a common understanding of the project as a whole. Throughout the second day, the participants considered the strategies, action plan and discussed in small groups specific topics related to the project implementation, namely the MoTiV conceptual framework, the application development and the European-wide data collection campaigns.
The start of the project is particularly intense, with the preparation of 10 deliverables that are due by May (five of which by the end of February). The Consortium organised the first Expert workshop on “Trends and hypotheses on the value of travel time“, hosted by TIS on January 18th, 2018, near Lisbon in Portugal.