MoTiV concludes the largest Data Collection Campaign on VTT in Europe

The results of the data collection campaign will allow researchers to study and redefine how the time we use to travel is valued by individuals, and how this information is then used by urban planners to design and evaluate transport systems.

Using the Woorti smartphone app, the MoTiV project partners were able to collect data on user preferences and behaviours regarding their door to door travel experience. The Woorti data collection campaign has been one of the largest and most comprehensive initiatives of smartphone-based collection of mobility behaviour in Europe, with a focus on the Value of Travel Time (VTT). The results of the data collection campaign will allow researchers to study and redefine how the time we use to travel is valued by individuals, and how this information is then used by urban planners to design and evaluate transport systems. 

The official launch of MoTiV data collection campaign took place on May 1st, 2019, coinciding with the release of the Woorti 1.0 app on both iOS and Android platforms. This first phase lasted for three months until July 31st. During the first campaign phase, MoTiV project partners enrolled more than 800 active users and collected more than 15000 validated trips. The second data collection campaign phase also lasted for three months and took place from September 1st until November 30th, 2019, coinciding with the release of the Woorti 2.0 app, available on Android and iOS devices.

During the data collection campaign, partners from Slovakia, Spain and Finland focused on strong cooperation with stakeholders and participated in several different outreach events. Other project partners preferred an online promotion of the Woorti app, with a focus on social media channels and with further promotion of both the app and the MoTiV project itself through dissemination events held throughout the campaign period.

At the end of the campaign, both Slovakia and Spain achieved 500 valid samples of active users and collected more than 10000 validated trips per country. Users in Norway, Belgium and Portugal submitted data on at least 7000 trips in each country. Finland has more than 450 active users and has recorded almost 7000 trips.

Through the hard work of all of the MoTiV project partners and third linked third parties in Belgium, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain, the project collected information on a total of over 65000 trips from 5600 users, paving the way for future research that will help replace car centred transport paradigms with a more holistic, multi-modal approach.


MoTiV Project

Project Coordinator: University of Žilina, Slovakia 
Comms & Web management: European Cyclists’ Federation ASBL